Author: Willtngl
The box is open!
Time to mail in your art HERE!!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is Mail!!
No post on Sundays, but I guess we’ll make an exception this time. Dealing with the mail can be a difficult job! And where would we all be without our deliveries?
Draw whatever you want so long as it involves MLP and postal service of some kind.
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Prepare your drawing tools!
The Luna Challenge begins in 1 hour!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Doctor Whooves!!
Or Time Turner, if you prefer. He can often be seen running around in the background with his lovely assistants, seemingly always on an adventures.
What sort of adventure is he on today?
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
We’ll see you here in 1 hour for the next challenge!!
The box is empty. No art for this challenge
Join us later for our other challenges!
The box is open!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Bags and Luggage!!
Having the right bag is an absolutely essential part of being fashion conscious. The right bag can really make all the difference to a look and can hide all sorts of things, like fuzzy critters or secret supplies. Or sometimes you just need some really large bags to travel with your essential items. Choosing the right bag for every occasion is important! Draw somepony fashion forward with their choice in carrying case.
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Only 1 hour left until the next challenge!
Join us then!!