No art was submitted for this challenge. There’s always next time though, so we hope to see you then!!
Author: Willtngl
The box is open!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Hearts and Hooves Day Cards!!
What better way to tell somepony you care about them than to give them a card! You can find cards with some great messages of support and love. You can also find some with great double entendre, which is fun too!
Make a valentines or hearts and hooves card however you want, so long as it is pony related
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Art by Kuu & Kurenai-Hio
The next challenge is coming up in 1 hour!!
We hope you join us then!!
That scent seems to be quite powerful. I wonder where somepony could pick up some of that!
Thanks for participating, MKogwheel. I hope you had fun!
And we hope you’ll join us later for more challenges!
Artists Included:
MKogwheel (
The box is open!
Time to submit your art HERE!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Perfume!!
Someponies like fancy scents or essences to make them smell better. They sure seem like they can be quite intrusive to other ponies. Who doesn’t want essence of chocolate though? Maybe they don’t care for any and they just have to make it through the perfume department.
Whatever the reason behind it, show somepony using or reacting to perfume.
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Get your art supplies ready!!
The Celestia Challenge starts in just 1 hour!!
Today’s non-pony Celestia challenge is Otters!!
They are such cute, soft, cuddly creatures. Draw some of these adorable little guys and maybe their pups too!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!