Ooh, some nice nsfw submissions tonight~

Who would have thought the princesses would be getting up to such naughty antics? And let’s admit, we’ve all been in Sweetie’s place here before.

C’mon, Pinkie, show the goods! Rarity’s not being shy about it! I do hope she cleans the camera off afterwards though.

I’m sure whoever’s watching these is enjoying themselves~

Artists Included:

DGDoubleDrift (http://dgdoubledrift.tumblr.com/)
mpushomework (http://mpushomework.tumblr.com/)
jcosneverexisted (http://jcosmirrorarts.tumblr.com/)
Nova Spark (http://novasparksnsfw.tumblr.com/)

Wao guys, wao. I did not expect this.

Like. You coulda played some secret whispering game. Or exchanged mystery gifts. Gosh.

Looks like these pones decided to make this a regular visit though after their excursion, eh?

Thanks for participating guys! We’ll see you later for more challenge~

Buh bye for now!

Artists Included:

mpushomework (http://mpushomework.tumblr.com/)
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com/)

Two very nice submissions tonight! Here we can see the fabled Three Hoof Silencing Combo and Dash uh… Dash? Do you know where that’s been? I sure hope today wasn’t fertilizer day at Sweet Apple Acres.

Cheers and thanks for the work folks, see you next time!

Artists Included:

jcosneverexisted (http://jcosneverexisted.tumblr.com/)
FlutterThrash (http://flutterthrash.tumblr.com)

How did they even get ahold of the Epoch!?

These ponies are cray-zay!

So crazy in fact that they deleted the other 1,000 submissions we got on accident. Dang it!

:3 hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for participating Lumineko!

We’ll see you guys later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://lumineko.com)