The Cadence challenge today is deck the halls! You may intemperate that however you like, but it tends to mean holiday decorating.
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Let’s see some fancy decorations everyone!
The Cadence challenge today is deck the halls! You may intemperate that however you like, but it tends to mean holiday decorating.
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Let’s see some fancy decorations everyone!
The Cadence challenge for today is batteries! Nearly everything uses them in our world, and I bet a lot of stuff in the pony world uses them as well! Let’s see some equestrians using batteries in whatever way they so choose!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Power up those art skills everyone!
The Cadence challenge for today is Love! It’s a beautiful thing, fills your chest with warmth and floods your thoughts with happiness! Why, you can barely stop smiling when you’re in love! And really, why would you WANT to stop smiling anyway? You’re in LOVE!
Draw some pony couples who love each other, or really anything you can think of to do with ponies and love, doesn’t even have to be romantic, just has to be some kind of love!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Let the power of love guide your drawing implements to glory!
FIDGET SPINNERS! The Cadence challenge is these crazy popular ( or unpopular, depending upon who you ask ) thingies! Draw them however you want, being used however you want, by whoever or whatever you want!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Spin away, my friends!
The Cadence challenge today is Teabags and Taco Drops! ( I have also heard the latter referred to as a clam slam ) Interpret this challenge however you want! The above images and gifs should give a good enough array of examples, so use your imagination!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. GLHF!
The Cadence challenge is fruit! You choose who’s using it, and how it’s being used! Eating it? Arrangeing it? Growing it? Or maybe something else?
Whatever you decide, you’ve got 30 minutes to draw it, and 15 to submit it! Have fun!
For today’s Cadence challenge, I present to you Equestrian soft drinks! Otherwise called cola, soda, pop, soda pop, and probably some other names as well. Let’s see what kinds of soft drinks equestrians would drink, eh?
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.
The Cadence challenge for today is Casino games! Poker, roulette, slots, and any other games you can think of that might be played at a casino!
And now, you’re on the clock. Only 45 minutes to play, and 15 to lay your art in the sub box! Good luck, everypony!
The Cadence challenge for today is Casino games! Slots, Roulette, Poker, and any other games you can think of that might take place at a casino!
You’re on the clock, with just 30 minutes to play and 15 minutes to put your art on the table! Best of luck, everypony!
The Cadence challenge today is therapy! Psychotherapy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, and any other kind(s) you know of and/or can think of!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Time to relax a little, get that art off your mind and instead onto whatever you usually draw on!