uh oh, looks like a few ponies will be getting their shots today!

thanks for the submissions everyone, hope you all had a blast! We’ll see you again for the Celestia challenge!

Artists Included:

Yuki (http://http://superninjaducky.tumblr.com/)
Neoncel (http://neoncel-nsfw.tumblr.com/)
CaptainPudgeMuffin (http://captainbutteredmuffin.tumblr.com/)
Yakoshi (http://yakoshi-draws-ponies.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)


gods, potions and mods! Such a variety of things going on! Just a normal day in Skyrim!!

Thank you all for participating, I hope you had fun!

And we hope to see you back here for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

Mongol (http://yurtinthedirt.tumblr.com)
Hundashter (http://hundashter.tumblr.com/)
CaptainPudgeMuffin (http://captainpudgemuffin.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)