The Luna challenge for tonight is…Ponify your Home!

Image result for artist bedroom
Image result for artist bedroom
Image result for lived in living roomFor this challenge I want you to pick anything you can see in your room right now, and ponify it anyway you can think of! Maybe its as simple as giving it a new color scheme, or as complex as turning an piece of furniture into a pony!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit. Have fun!

Tonight’s Luna challenge is….The Garden of Petrified Beings!

So this place totally isn’t creepy at all….nnnnope. And it totally isn’t full of petrified ponies/monsters/villains/Celestia-knows-what.

Anyway, draw some totally safe and not creepy statues that are probably in this place!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.

Today’s Twilight challenge is…How’s that hangover?

Bluhglrflrgle, that’s how i bet a lot of you and your friends are feeling today! or were feeling perhaps. Either way, lets see how the ponies are fairing with their hangovers!

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. And, turn down the screen brightness a little, would ya?