Shining is tearing up the floor. Keep grooving Shining! And yoga has got to be the best way to opening those chi flows. Pinkie shall soon be one with everything, man.

Thanks, Gryphon BBQ and Pabbles for your submissions today! Stay Groovy and see you next time!

Artists Included:

Gryphon BBQ (http://)
Pabbles (

Sorry for the WAY too long delay. I was away from Tumblr and the ACTUAL challenge runner got lost somewhere it seems.

Extremely good pics though guys! 😀 vry cute.

Thanks for participating, hope you danced inside!

We’ll see ya later for more stuff! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Boo (
Pabbles (

Sorry for the unnecessary delay. For some reason the other mod was unable to close…

Anyway, dem dancin’ horse!

Luna better be careful though, dancing in the shower is a good way to end up with a busted leg!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! We’ll see you tomorrow for more stuff, g’bye fo now~

Artists Included:

lumineko (
phallen1 (