
Pirate Captain Gobble of the good ship Thank’s Giver, and Pirate Captain Celaeno clearly getting in touch with her inner Elvira, the Mistress of the Dark!

Many thanks to our two participants tonight, Pabbles and Derpanater! Hope much fun was and we’d love to see you both again soon!

Derpanater (
Pabbley (

The Luna challenge today is….Holiday Themed Pirates!

So, people and ponies dress up as pirates all the time, right? Especially for halloween and nightmare night! But, how often do you see pirate costumes themed TO the hollidays?!?! Imagine it!  Christmas or Hearthswarming Eve pirate costumes, spookier versions of the basic pirate for Nightmare night and Halloween, all done up in matching thematic colors! Or whatever you want! A pirate of love for Hearts and Hooves day!

you have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!