Ah, by the numbers it appears to be a roughly 50 / 50 split! The battle will have to rage on…

Additional smoochie pic from the challenge earlier. I was also under the impression Klondike had another submission for that as well… if you submitted it the box must have ate it D: feel free to send it on in again!

Don’t go anywhere folks, up next is a bunch of art from our 30minchallenge panel at Trotcon!

Artists Included:

xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/)
Joey Waggoner (http://theclonethatgotaway.tumblr.com/ and https://joeywaggoner.tumblr.com/)
Christomancer / OutofWorkDerpy (http://www.outofworkderpy.tumblr.com)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

As a rock professional Maud is an expert on cleavage and quite accustomed to heavy lifting.


Anywho, thanks for participating everyone! Hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
Joey Waggoner (https://joeywaggoner.tumblr.com/)
Klondike (https://klondikeart.tumblr.com/)

Everypony is looking really good in their saddles. And it looks like somepony is ready for an exciting night!!

Thank you all for participating. I hope you enjoyed!!
And we hope you will join us later for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

Mystery Mod (http://ask-mystery-nsfw.tumblr.com)
Joey Waggoner (https://joeywaggoner.tumblr.com/ and http://theclonethatgotaway.tumblr.com/)
Desertfox500 (http://desertfox500.tumblr.com/)