Here’a a bunch of our roundup submissions! Thanks to everyone who decided to shower us in all this art!

Artists Included:

LockeZero (
Nymph (
elbenjaftw (
For roundup (

Now that is one cute mermaid! But that second guy doesn’t look too friendly. Maybe there’s a grudge against the other?

Thank you Mystery Mod and Monster Cookie for your submissios!! Hope to see ya swim by again soon!

Artists Included:

Mystery Mod (
m0nster-c00kie (


Every picture in this compilation of 30 minute challenges has had additional work done to it. Here are links to the originals for anyone who wants to compare:

Speed Date Variety

Nerdy Friend

Stormy Sleepover

Big Red Princess

Everlasting Night

Yellow Mermaid


And for nsfw we’ve got a bunch more updated pieces!

That’s all this time on The Roundup! Keep an eye out for the next one in a few weeks!

Hope you enjoy! Have a good night :3