Then, we have have some tongue tickling, competitive tickling, sneaky tickling, and magic hand tickling.

Thanks for participating, everyone! See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Included:

Gryphon BBQ (http://)
Empyu (
Anonymous Artist
xbi (

Ah yes, sexual love, one of the most intimate forms of love that there is!

Thanks for taking the challenge you guys! Looking forwards to having you all back or future challenges!

Artists Included:

BunniCat (
Zemer (
hexado (

Ayo I heard you got no submissions, thats pretty lame. BUT I drew this pouty horse for the caption the other day and missed the deadline by starting late, so I mean it’s hella late but if you’d post it I’d be pretty grateful aye. Promise it took less than 30 minutes


I dunno which one this was for at this point but I figured I’ll post it :3 thanks for the art.

For this one the second RD was done using the additional time, the former done using the normal time period.

We gots perky pinks and licky lovers as well!

Thanks for participating everyone and for putting up with this derped day.

G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

xbi (
BunniCat (

Which one of you gave Pinkie coffee? You know she’s not gonna shut up for like 48 hours straight now, right?

Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!

Artists Included:

BunniCat (
Yakoshi (

The teabagging wasn’t enough for Shining, he needed more. And Dashie is just adding insult to injury by dropping that delicious taco but likely denying us a taste!

Thanks for taking up the challenge you two, hope to see you back again for later challenges!

Artists Included:

Purenova (
hexado (