Woah ho, looks like the ladies are popular tonight. Especially Velma. Her sweater puppies just can’t seem to stay contained o3o

Nice work everyone! Hope you had fun drawin’ these lovely ladies ^^

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Stay tuned for an announcement!



Uhhh. Lets call that first one some sort of dolphin based therapy. Suuuuure…

A diver with dolphin like agility? I could see that :3

Sorry for the delay, had a few that had to go up on Derpibooru. I’m supposing you could guess why. Feel free to go find it under the 30minchallenge tag there if it catches your interest!

Thanks for participating everyone! See you next time for more challenge!

eeeeee clickclickclick o3o/)



And now for the leader based Propagandas!

Nice job all, solid turnout and varied results :3 always a joy to see.

Hope you guys had fun! We’ll see you next time for more challenges~ g’bye for now!


