Today’s Luna Challenge is… The Power Ponies!!!

Some people or ponies are well beyond extraordinary and enter the realm of super powered. These powers range from super speed, incredible magic ability, increasing strength, or just really cool gadgets. No matter what they’re capable of each hero (or villian) has something to bring to the team.
As Usual there’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Go out and show off your favorite out of bunch and have fun!!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is Overpreparedness!!!

Everypony likes to have what they need, but someponies sorely overestimate what is necessary for themselves and others. Sometimes it’s packing too much for a simple camping trip. Other times it’s getting tons of supplies ready to take a test. Whatever the case, some ponies just overdo.

Who and how is somepony being overprepared?

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!

Today’s Cadence Challenge is… Robot Companions!!
*Beep Boop* What is Friendship? How do I find Friendship? Where is Friendship? Why do I want Friendship? *Beep Bloop*

Yeah robots are pretty handy aren’t they? Not only will they make great company but their versatility is awesome! Need someone to pass the butter? Robot. Need someone to watch the baby and change diapers? Robot. Need someone to read you “There Will Come Soft Rains”? Robot.
The lesson here is robots are awesome

There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!

Today’s Cadence Challenge is… Pinkie’s many outfits!!

She might not be as fashionable as Rarity but Pinkie does have an impressive range of outfits that she brings out from time to time. Go ahead and draw an outfit that you think would be her favorite or make up a new one for her to try out!!

There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Artist Ponysonas! Or simply ponified artists!!!

A lot of artists tend to make original characters of themselves for plenty of reasons. Sometimes it’s for role-playing cuz come on who doesn’t want to be a pony or maybe they are just for silly fun. Who knows but the creators themselves.

There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Art Sources:

What would the cheer leading squad look like at Twilight’s School Of Friendship? That is today’s Cadance challenge! Who would be on it? What would the uniforms look like? What colors would they be? Would their routines incorporate things from other cultures, due to the very diverse student body?

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. GIMME A G! GIMME AN O! GIMME A D! GIMME AN R! GIMME AN A! GIMME A W! WHAT’S THAT SPELL?


Today’s Luna Challenge is… COFFEE!!!
Nothing keeps your day going better than a good cup of joe! I don’t drink it but hey other peeps love this stuff. Actually I think I had this one s’mores flavoured cappuccino that was pretty kickin’- wait where was I? Oh right, Challenge stuff…

There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun ya caffeine addicts