Just one submission for tonight! But it’s a cute one :3
Thanks for participating Snugs! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you all later for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
Snugs (https://snuggywugs.tumblr.com/)
Just one submission for tonight! But it’s a cute one :3
Thanks for participating Snugs! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you all later for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
Snugs (https://snuggywugs.tumblr.com/)
While some silly ponies are just making messes we’ve got others ready and showing off their skills!
Thank you so much for you submissions guys and hope to see you again soon!
Artists Included:
Gryphon BBQ (http://)
Micboom (http://micboom.tumblr.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Looks like maybe Twilight’s brother choose to give her a fresh coating. What a mess!
Thanks Hexado for your submission!
Artists Included:
hexado (http://hexado.tumblr.com)
Giant lizards meet cute little ponies in these lovely submissions!
Once more, I apologize for my lateness in putting these up, and I thank you for your patience.
Hope you’ll all join us again for more challenges in the future!
Artists Included:
BunniCat (http://www.bunnicat-art.tumblr.com)
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Micboom (http://micboom.tumblr.com/)
Gryphon BBQ (http://)
Aww, don’t be so angry twilight! Shoveling snow can be fun! Just look at this cool guy over here! He’s having a blast!
Thanks for taking part in the challenge today you two! More challenges await in the future, and we’d love to have you back for as many of them as you can make it for!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Veesocks (http://veesocks.tumblr.com/)
Lookin real good, Twilight!
Thanks for the submissions, everyone! Hope you had fun! We’ll see you again for the Twilight challenge!
Artists Included:
Veesocks (http://veesocks.tumblr.com/)
Mosa (http://)
Aww, little Twilight probably has excruciatingly detailed notes about that drawing, how long it took her, and at what point she did what in it’s creation, written down in her diary!
Thanks for taking up the challenge today, Veesocks! Be sure to join us again for more challenges!
Artists Included:
Veesocks (http://veesocks.tumblr.com/)
What a lovely Christmas tree dress, Twilight! It looks quite beautiful on you if I do say so myself!
Thank you for joining us today, Mystery Mod! Hope you’ll do so again for more of our challenges!
Artists Included:
Mystery Mod (http://ask-mystery-pony.tumblr.com)
Ah Oh, looks like looks like Twilight is in a little bit of trouble! Let’s hope she can shake that TIE, my advice is to look for a tight space. And look at that Bird-lizard! Reminds me of the creature Obi-wan rode
Thanks to everyone for your submissions and May the Force be with you, aways…
Artists Included:
Eyso (https://eysoart.tumblr.com/)
Twilight seems to be struggling on the right gift for Spike.
Thanks for participating, Mike and огриммар!
Artists Included:
Mike (http://scottfucker.tumblr.com)
огриммар (http://)