For todays Asian challenge: Applejack encountered Timberwolves!
Draw a timberwolf, or Applejack fighting them. You got 30 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
For todays Asian challenge: Applejack encountered Timberwolves!
Draw a timberwolf, or Applejack fighting them. You got 30 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
Today’s American Challenge is… are Fluttershy and Scootaloo related?
Now we know coloration doesn’t always mean much with these talking horses. But I always found it suspicious that if you added the right amount of red to Fluttershy you get Scootaloo.
On top of that you don’t really see either of them with family at any point so far. And they’re both questionable flyers.
So I say lay forth your theories on the topic. Are they? In what way? Are they not? Does it ever come up somehow? Tackle these and/or any other questions you feel appropriate!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Today’s European Challenge is… free shipping with MLP! Ship any characters you want with any characters you want!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!
See ya soon!
For todays Asian challenges: As we all know, although Rarity tries to come off as a member of high society, her origins are a bit humble.
So, for todays challenge, what would happen in Rarity had grown up closer to a country upbringing instead of wanting to become a fashion designer? Would she be a chic cowboy? Really rural? Just wearing a cowboy hat all the time? Or just covered in mud?
You have 30 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
Today’s American Challenge is… Groundhog Day!
Do ponies even have a Groundhog Day? They do now!
Do any pony/ponies you like celebrating groundhog day! Or participating in the premise of the film Groundhog Day.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!
See you soon~
Today’s European Challenge is… Potter Ponies!
Can be anything from MLP- canon or OC, be they earth ponies, dragons, diamond dogs, or whatever! As long as it’s got Harry Potter stuff going on you’re good. MLPifying HP stuff is also acceptable.
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Abra ka-art! :3
For todays Asian challenge: Some of you are aware of the Mane Six being in the superbowl ad recently. However, this isn’t the first time Fluttershy was seen in a football helmet!
For todays Asian challenge, draw Fluttershy with a football helmet! What she’s doing while wearing it is up to you!
You have 30 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
Today’s American Challenge is… Souper Bowl Sunday!
Draw ponies enjoying some Souper Bowl partay!
You can include some of the football if you like but really good soups are totally mandatory.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!