Hmm, perhaps having people submit explosions was a poor decision. For if there were any in the box, they blew up into nothingness, leaving it very empty. But fear not, the box itself is still perfectly fine, and shall await less aggressively expansive submissions for future challenges! 

Today’s Celestia Challenge goes to her sister, Luna! Princess or Vice Principle!

We know she spends the night on patrol, raising the moon and helping ponies out in any dreams, but what does she do when she’s not on duty (aside from sleeping in the day)? What fun could she have during the nightlife? 

You have 30-minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit. Have Fun!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Sludge the dragon.

This big-old fella from Dragon Lands crash landed into Ponyville one day. And suddenly claims he was Spike’s father. Well, this was all a lie. He just wants a life of luxury.

You have 30 minutes to draw this character, and 15 minutes to submit!