Today’s American Challenge is… plus ones partying!

Have any of the CMC, Tree Hugger, Smooze, or Maud partying at the gala!

The more the merrier if you can manage it! Smooze and Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Maud, and Tree Hugger… whatever works!

You’ve got 45 minutes to boogie down followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Okay, so.

No submissions, just so you know. A shame as that was a fun character. But anyway…

We did get some submissions from someone but it has nothing to do with any challenge we’ve run in weeks as far as I can tell. All from Bloody817.

Remember Bloody, we only take art made during the challenge period and of the topic provided. If you have some other explanation please let us know. As of now you should know though that the pictures have been set aside and won’t be posted without proper clarification.

Today’s European Challenge is… Grandpa Gruff!

Seems like it could be a nickname, that grandpa, but Gilda did say ‘my grandpa Gruff’ taught her the scone recipe.

Any way you slice it I thought he was a fun old goof, Gilda’s grampy or no.

You’ve got 30 minutes to draw the ol’ buzzard doing anything you wanna have him do followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Today’s Asian Challenge is… just ol’ Gilda! With her reappearance and more flushed out (though fanfic correlated) personality it seems appropriate to just toss her out there and see what you do with her!

But! It’s a Hardmode Challenge! Bum bum bum! Time to see how well/fast you can draw a griffon! But as usual don’t sweat it if it doesn’t turn out miraculous :3 just have fun!

You’ve got 15 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Go go go!