Just one pic for today! You can find it on Derpibooru in just a minute!
Month: February 2015
Oops. Nevermind.
I’m a dumb. If you saw that other post ignore it. Challenge that went up should continue without my dumbness.
Looks like it’s time for the box to open @o@ get them arts in!
Today’s Euro challenge is…good morning, princesses! Being the rulers of day and night might mean their views on the morning are different. Is Celestia the chipper, energetic morning type? Is Luna the night owl who needs coffee to start her day? Vice versa? You get to decide!
You get 45 minutes today with 15 to submit! You’re encouraged to draw both sisters, but it’s not a requirement :3 Have fun!
1 hour reminder!
Euro challenge starts in an hour!
Both entries are a bit too explicit so we’re putting them here first, then derpibooru.
Guess Spike always had a thing for Twilight 😮
Thanks to all who participated! Tune in next time for the Next Asian Challenge
Garam does not have a deviantart, so we’re posting his picture here first.
ALso spike, you naughty boy man. :3
Submission box is closed
Art is on its way to deviantart and derpibooru
Submission box is open!
Submit your entries to da: http://30minchallenge-group.deviantart.com/
Or, you can also submit them here on our tumblr page!
For tonights Asian challenge: Twilight came home one to find Spike grown up!
What would Twi do with an older Spike?
Is there anything Spike would want to do if he was a little bit older?
You have 45 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
Asian challenge in 1 hours time
Get ready