Sorry for the delay, art should be up shortly!
Month: February 2015
Submissions are open!
Time to check out da puppies! You’ve got 15 minutes!
Today’s American challenge is… Winona! Because every now and then you gotta pay attention to the cute widdle animals as Fluttershy would say.
Other than that what’s going on is up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 to submit! Have fun!

Be here in an hour for the next challenge! :3
Submissions are closed!
Art is up on DA! (one piece pending artist approval)
Submissions are open!
Time to see who’s Babsin’ for a… bappin’?
Today’s European Challenge is CMC threats! Successful or otherwise!
Can be any CMC (including Babs or an OC if you got ‘em) over any subject!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
50 Minute Reminder!

See you soon for the next challenge!
No submissions tonight
Maybe next time!
Submission box is open
Get your entries in here: