Hopefully the lateness didn’t stop you from participating!
You’ve got 15 minutes to submit!
Hopefully the lateness didn’t stop you from participating!
You’ve got 15 minutes to submit!
Today’s late Asian Challenge is… Glow in the dark!
Are the ponies glowing? Wearing glowy things? Is it even a pony? Or is it a Draconequus or some other such thing? All up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
I’m here now and a challenge will be run in about 20 minutes. Just to make sure the word can get out and we can start at a rounded time.
Hope to see you then!
And art shall be posted up on dA momentarily!
You’ve got 15 minutes to submit!
Tonight’s American challenge is…short-haired Fluttershy! It’s easily obvious that Flutters has the longest mane of the mane 6. But how would she look with a cut as short as, say, Rainbow Dash? Or even shorter!
You have 30 minutes to draw then 15 to submit!
American challenge starts in an hour!
Ah well, there’s always tomorrow, eh? Unless there’s someone who really wants me to do a late one. Let me know if so.
See you soon for the next challenge!