Matt sure has been busy, eh? XD
Month: March 2015
And now here comes The Roundup for this past few weeks!
EDIT: Added another updated piece by JonFawkes.
Amazing arts and Luna love! She is the princess of the night, and so far, seems like she’s in the hearts of many!
Though the moon is pretty cute with her XD
Artists Included:
lumineko (
JonFawkes (
Urban Hoof (
NorthernSprint (
Sub box is closed!
Time to send in those pics!
you got 15 mins
Today’s American Challenge!
It’s couples times… with princes Luna!
Who do you think she would date?
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Regardless of who is on top it seems Fluttershy is up for fun! As for Bulk, well, he’s trying, eh?
Hope you guys had fun! See you later for the next challenge!
And don’t forget about the roundup guys! Submit to for now for the roundup, it’s a temporary solution but it should ensure your art goes up :3
Artists Included:
mpushomework (
matt-sanart (
Submissions are open!
Get them thar piccys in~
Today’s European Challenge is…
Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy!
Shipping? Just friends? Something else altogether? Up to you!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!

See ya soon!