See you in 50 minutes for the next challenge!
Month: April 2015
Such spunk, such pizazz!
Artists Included:
JonFawkes (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
Bitgamer (
Jaybeem (
lumineko (
Velexane (
The box is closed!
Submissions to come soon~
The box is open!
You’ve got 15 mins to submit! Go go go!
Today’s American Challenge is the continuation of Friendship Through the Ages!
This time it’s the permaparty herself, Pinkie Pie!
You’ve got 45 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
One hour reminder~
Prepare your stylus!
A delightful array of nerds! Even our own Quick Draw!
Artists Included:
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
ononim (
Rivibaes (
ZippySqrl (
So… Technical Difficulties.
Dunno where the challenge runner went, dunno if the box ever opened. I’m assuming not…
I’ll open the box until 2:30 CST and post what we get.
Today’s Euro challenge is….NEEEEERDS!! That’s right, nerdy ponies being their nerdy selves and nerding out with their nerd stuff! Nerd nerd nerd!
You got 30 minutes to draw then 15 to submit!
One hour until the Euro challenge!