There’s a lotta love going around. Only it’s going in just one direction…

Thanks for your submissions, Pabbles, dsp2003, and Bitgamer!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Included:

Pabbles (
dsp2003 (
Bitgamer (

Coco can have two sides to her, just like everyone. Just be careful which side you try to befriend or you might find that things won’t go your way. Even if the dress looks amazing on you.

thanks to Tali and Bitgamer for these nice pieces of art.

Featured Artists

Tali (

Bitgamer (

Ah, everypony is getting squeaky clean! Especially Rari-…uh…seems like maybe country hic Rarity might have gotten a entirely different shower earlier?

Thanks for all the submissions everyone! We look forwards to seeing you all next time!

Artists Included:

BunniCat (
Hundashter (
KiloDel (
Bitgamer (
xbi (
Pabbles (

“IT’S A DRAGON!?!!!”
“Aye, but just a little one.”

Thanks everyone!
Looks like we only got sfw entries. Go figure.
We’ll see you next at the luna challenge; and if anyone is still inclined for the throne of glitter, feel free to enter submissins during the sunday roundup!

Artists Included:

Empyu (
m0nster-c00kie (
Bitgamer (

So much ink spilt! She must’ve been writing something really special, only to get ruined and make her tick! Cover your ears, Spike! She’s gonna scream!

Thanks for participating, Bitgamer and Desertfox500!

See you later for the Cadance Challenge!

Artists Included:

Desertfox500 (
Bitgamer (