American challenge in one hour! See you there!
Month: April 2015
…and a lewd Vinyl Scratch.
I’m not sure what I expected.
Artists Included:
Keboponda (
A sophisticated Octavia…
Artists Included:
symplefable (
Box is closed.
Arts to come soon~
The box is open!
15 minutes to submit! Go go go!
Today’s Euro Challenge is… music!!!
Whether banging on drums, shredding a guitar, singing peacefully, or anything else with rhythm and melody, music is the name of the game!
You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
One hour reminder!
One hour until the next challenge!
Just the one submission for this challenge! But I don’t think you’d call me a fibber when I say it’s a beaut, eh?
Thanks for participating! We’ll see everyone later for more challenge! G’bye for now~
Artists Included:
All submissions anonymous
Submissions Are Open!
See you shortly with the results!
Apologies on the delay, someone else was supposed to host this one.
Today’s Asian Challenge is… Monochromatic MLP.
Pick a color to work in, red, yellow, purple, whatever ya like. And use only shades of that to create your picture!
Draw whomever you like as long as it’s MLP and monochromatic!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~