Sorry about lateness folks. Had a bit of personal stuff come up.

If you’re still around though and would like a challenge let me know and I’ll make sure to get one up at the top of the hour.

Again, my apologies.

The Roundup Is On!

For those unfamiliar the Roundup is when we allow submission of any art related to any challenges we’ve hosted (or things like Quick Draw) in the past. No set date window or anything.

If you’ve updated a picture, made one unrelated to the time limit but fitting with a topic, missed submitting previously by a hair, or whatever we take ‘em all and post ‘em about 24 hours from now!

Today’s American Challenge is… NAME GENERATION!

Use the link below to generate a name and draw the results! If you want to use the details given other than the name you can but you do not have to.

The generator has a complete random mode and a mode where you put in a name, feel free to do either. The above is what I got for my name, heh.

Anyway, due to potential complexity on this one we’re going to make it a 45 minute challenge with 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~