You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!

You have 15 minutes to submit! Gogogo!
Today’s Euro Challenge is… the dog days of summer!
It is August and it is hot, hot, hot! Your challenge is to draw ponies doing whatever they do in the hottest parts of the year to keep cool, or suffer through. Whichever the case may be!
You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
Prepare your stylus~
No Asian Challenge Today. Probably the same for tomorrow. I’ve got work and no one else can cover it. Sorry guys.
Well that’s one way to get stoned I guess. 0-0
Artists Featured:
jcosneverexisted (
Sorry about those rocky box times, we’ll have the art up as soon as we find Boulder,
Box is open! Hurry up! You’ve only got 15 minutes to get to the top of that big rock – I mean submit your art!
Today’s challenge is—-
Ah rocks are best poni are they not? So show us some gravelly love eh?
You have thirty minutes to draw and fifteen to submit! So go!
Ha ha… it’s weirdly adorable, don’t you think?
Just this one today! As I think on it perhaps I should have made it clear that part of his outfit would have been okay. Like just the jacket if someone wanted. Ah well ^^’
Thanks for participating mysterious non-signing guy o3o hopefully you had fun and everyone enjoys!
See you all later for more challenges! G’bye for now~