Just 15 minutes to do the Do!
Month: December 2015
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Daring Do! Doing what she do!
What is it she do? Up to you!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you soon for the next challenge~
Uh, Sunset, that is a tiny tree. It has no secrets to share. Probably.
Thanks for drawing for us tonight, Dooddale! Cheers and see you next time!
Artists Included:
Dooddale (http://askdooddale.tumblr.com/)
Ah yes, everyone’s favorite holiday tradition, perfect for keeping warm in those cold winter months~
Thanks for the draw, dg!
Artists Included:
DG (http://dgdoubledrift.tumblr.com/)
Box is open, submit draws if you got ‘em!
For tonight’s Challenge, let’s draw Sunset Shimmer learning about human holidays! Whatever it is the Equestria Girls “humans” have around holiday time. I mean, Hearth’s Warming Eve doesn’t make a whole lot of sense without earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. You’ve got thirty minutes, good luck!
No time for sleep, there’s a Luna Challenge in an hour!
Dawww~ someone was a good pone this year and got six whole saddles! Lookiy hoe much she wuvs them <3
Thanks for participating Dogg! Hope you had fun~
We’ll see you guys next time for more challenges! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
dogg (http://doggart.tumblr.com/)