Challenge Is Still On!
See you in 20 minutes for the next challenge!
See you in 20 minutes for the next challenge!
We got one tonight! Good on you, AJ, showing her how that modern technology works.
Thanks for the draw, Doodale, cheers and see you next time!
Artists Included:
Dooddale (
Box open for submissions if you got ‘em.
Something something one horse open sleigh. Draw some horses doing that horse thing where they pull carts around, often with other horses inside! Dashing through the snow maybe? Over some fields? Or whatever else you like. You’ve got thirty minutes, good luck!
There’s a Luna Challenge in an hour!
Apparently >3>
See you later tonight for the return of the Luna challenge!
Did someone say socks? Or watches maybe?
In any case 15 minutes~
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… three sets of socks!
On three ponies? Or hung above a fireplace? As puppets? Whatever you wanna do!
Of course as the days wear on up to 12 it’s going to get increasingly hard to do, so honestly just do what you can :3
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
That’s quite a nice sud set- I MEAN THAT’S NICE SUNSET!
Artists Included:
Vanilla Cherry Cream (