Month: December 2015
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… a little bit of sweet, sweet denial.
It’s time for a nice summer car wash! Yay!
Use your preferred ponies, buffalo, whatever, EQG style or normal or whatever floats your boat! As long as it’s a car wash! Guys, gals, some sort of robot, do as you will!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in an hour for the next challenge!
… it took me longer than it should have to realize Fluttershy just pulled off her eyebrow XD
Thanks for participating M. Kog! And also for the lovely Quick Draw reminders we’ll be using all day today!
See you guys later for the next challenge! Buh bye!
Artists Included:
Mol. Kogwheel (
Just 15 Minutes To Submit!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Treehugger!
That’s all there is to it, some simple pone! Unless you draw her as something else I suppose, but that’d be on you.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
One Hour Reminder!
Time to wear the hat of the sun horse o3o
A real nothing of a day. Wish I had a hot cider right now myself.
Here’s hoping for a better tomorrow.
That cider should be ready any minute now! 15 minutes tops!
For Today’s Twilight Challenge… two hot ciders!
Have a pony, or ideally two, enjoying a hot cider on a cold day!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~