Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Flim & Flam’s Industrial Wasteland!

Ah, so many alternate timelines! In one, our favorite entrepreneurial wonder brothers have gone on to single-hoofedly bring the industrial revolution to Equestria! Or.. something like that. The profits are ever rising, but at what cost? Your challenge is to draw one or some of the ponies of Equestria living in the Flim Flam dominated future!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Have fun!

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Rarity under Nightmare Moon!

In an alternate timeline of eternal night and a pastel rainbow moon, Rarity has found herself under the employ of the great Nightmare Moon! Somehow, she didn’t realize changing out the tapestries frequently was part of the job description. Your challenge is to draw her!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!