Tonight’s challenge is location-based! Draw the Wonderbolt’s locker room, and something going on in it. All sorts of things happen in locker rooms, I’m sure you can think of something~ You’ve got the usual thirty minutes, good luck!
Month: May 2016
Challenge in one hour.
I can’t recall… I may have actually posted the first one before! I found it by chance while on DA in the 30minchallenge stuff there.
Anywhoooo I think that’s all for this time on The Roundup! Thanks for the arts guys! :3
Hopefully tomorrow will go by without the kerfuffle today had to go through! See you later!
This one had a size issue earlier that broke the image! It was made within challenge parameters and such o3o just as a note,
Artists Included:
FapShack (
Just a quick reminder that The Roundup is still going- but not for much longer! Probably about 45 minutes to an hour and 15!
Looks like we’ve got one maximum rainbow overload from episode 2 and a doggy Pinkie wannabe Dash.
Artists Included:
FapShack (
Pabbles (
The box is… still open!
Because there’s a roundup going on or somesuch! Submissions we’ve gotten so far (esp for this challenge) coming right up tho!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Ponies Acting Like Dogs!

Are they equines or are they canines? Sometimes they make me wonder… For tonight’s challenge, draw some ponies acting like dogs!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
1 hour reminder!