Month: May 2016
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… NINJAS! Ninja griffons, ponies, whatever!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun :3
See you in an hour for the next challenge!
And a classy Rarara :3
Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for participating fair artists o3o/)
We’ll see you next time for more challenge! G’bye for now!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
The Scratchtavia must have missed us narrowly earlier…? Not exactly Scratch’s pet, but, heh. Enjoy anyway.
Anyway, that’s two loaded guns and half a suit in the second picture o3o
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
FapShack (
Submissions Are Open! Are there any stylish suits? We’ll see in 15 minutes!

Today’s Luna Challenge is… draw a horse in a suit! Ponyness is optional I think on this one, but you can feel free to make it Big Mac or Rarity or whoever you like too!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you sooooon!
Face is the place! 😀
Hope you had fun Empyu! Thanks for participating!
We’ll see you guys later for more challenge :3 bye for now~
Artists Included:
Empyu (