I haven’t actually watched the new episode yet, but these two cats seem pretty fly. I guess they’re Yellow Quiet’s parents. Draw ‘em doing parent things. Or whatever, really. You’ve got the usual thirty, good luck!
Month: June 2016
Challenge soon~
It’s been a bit and my desktop moved some things around on me with a reboot, so I’m not 100% sure whose a few of these are, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t have them up yet. One or two may have slipped through, but I don’t think the artists will mind them popping up again :3
That’s it for this roundup, look forward to the next one in a few weeks!
@allstaremanuel hit us up earlier with their Muhammad Ali- float like a butterfly, wherever you are.
Apple Bloom, also remember to make sure that you are using the right kind of lube! Oil based lube will break down condoms and other rubber products!
And Dash! thanks for showing that condoms do not significantly decrease the amount of pleasure! Though, you and Rarity need to make sure to pull the condom all the way on next time! We don’t want any slippage!
Thanks to all of our artists, these were some great and educational entries! See you tonight!
Artists Included:
mk-r18 (http://mk-r18.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
It is perfectly healthy to learn how to use protective wear, always remember though, use properly sized condoms, watch for holes in the packaging and unit, and keep a mind on the expiration. Oh and Scootaloo, you’re totally right, being a unicorn, Sweetie needs to know the difference between horn and non-horn condoms!
[[Miss the challenge? Want to share some knowledge? The Roundup is still going for a bit!]]
Artists Included:
BronyGuard (http://bronyguard.tumblr.com/)
[[Video auto-set to start at 17:26, video not working? click here ]]
Safe sex, love and acts. Today we’re taking a responsible look at something that the 30 min art challenge is no stranger to.
The world is full of a lot of misinformation or lack of attention to this, one of the most normal parts of life out there. So the challenge to you artists is to toss those inaccurate and unhealthy copies of Fifty Shades of Neigh, and illustrate some healthy lessons to our viewership. For those SFW only artists, remember, things like the relationship between two people or ponies is just as important as the act! 😀
So this is your chance to share something you know or wish you had been told. You have 45 minutes (so you have time to watch the ~4 minute video!) to draw and 15 to submit!
Take time to prepare and go for it!

“A 30 minute challenge”
Order will be up in 1 hour!