See you in 15 minutes with the challenge, holding onto it for a bit so people know when we’re starting -.-
Month: July 2016
See you soon for the next challenge!
It’s okay, your suit still seems to fit perfectly! Well, maybe a little tight around those hips~
Thanks for the draw, Pabbles; cheers and see ya next challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Tonight’s challenge is… Stormy Flare. AKA Spitfire’s mom. She’s been around a while, but there’s still not much art of her. Such a shame. Anyway, you got thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck~
One hour til challenge!
Trixie wut r u doin u donut belong here. All y’all need to stop tormenting dear, sweet, precious Thistle Whistle with those meanasty clouds. Tho I bet even Dashie would get a kick out of it. Sheesh.
Thanks for the draws, and catch ya’ later for more challenge!
Artists Included:
Empyu (
Whoof (
Pabbles (
The box is closed.
Submissions coming right up!
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!

Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Thistle Whistle!

Thistle Whistle comes to us straight out of G3. A pegasus pony.. who is afraid of clouds. And also has a habit of whistling when she talks. It’s rather cute, actually. Her and Minty end up on a grand adventure to seek out the north pole because Minty ruined Christmas. Thanks Minty. In any case, draw some fukken’ Thistle Whistle!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
Late Reminder!
Sorry, I was out running errands. Challenge on at its normal time, 7:00pm Central! See ya’ then!