Seeking Mods!

Hey folks! We’re seeking fresh blood again to help keep things running smoothly!

If you would like to run art challenges send in a message introducing yourself and a little bit about why you’d like the position.

No experience is required! It’s pretty quick to pick up on with a little effort.

What is required however is some stability, we have to be able to put you on the schedule for at least a few challenges on a weekly basis.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Sunrise!

It’s time for a brand new day, filled with untapped potential and possibility! Yawning, stretching, and ready to take on the world… or maybe hiding under the covers and cursing lack of sleep. Your challenge is to draw some ponies at sunrise! Or even just a sunrise itself. Y’know, with happy little trees. Equestria has a lot of those.

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

Art sources:

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Episode 81! The one with Breezies!

And let’s not forget what little shits they were too! o3o

Anyway, draw anything you’d like relating to the episode! You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~