there’s a luna challenge comin at ya! get ready

there’s a luna challenge comin at ya! get ready
Once word of their cake-eating habits got out, there was little the princesses could do.
Thanks for the the draws, you two; we’ll see ya next time!
Artists Included:
GraphicHead (
Pabbles (
Almost forgot to remind ya, box is open, get those draws in!
Alright, so like, y’know how we have goofy caricature masks of our politicians and stuff? What if ponies did the same thing with their princesses? How do you think they feel about such things? So yeah, draw that idea, I guess. Thirty minutes to do it, good luck!
Wooooooooosh, 54 minutes til challenge time!
No art for this challenge.
We hope you will join us later for our other challenges though!
Submission box is open! you have 15 minutes to get your art in!
Today’s Clestia Challenge is properly caring for your Flutterbat.
With Halloween approaching, I think it is important to learn the proper ways to care for a Flutterbat. What are the key things that everyone needs to know?
You have 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit. Have fun!
1 hour until the Celestia Challenge!
Ahh! She’s a mummy and a ghost!
Thanks for the submissions everyone, hope you all had fun. We’ll see everyone again for the Celestia challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (