Submissions coming right up!
Month: October 2016
The box is open!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Pirate Jack!
Do what you want ‘cuz a pony is free! You are a pirate! At least, Applejack is. CAPTAIN Jack Apple, if you will. By far the worst pirate you ever did hear of. I once heard she set sail straight for the center of a maelstrom, for no other reason than simply to prove she could. ‘Course, the lass I heard that from might have been spinnin’ a might tall tale. Either way, pirates, plunder, booty. Draw some fukken’ Pirate Jack!
You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
1 hour reminder!
Prepare your stylus~
She looks so cute in that that massive hat. Too bad tragedy awaits…
Thanks for the draw, Pabbles; cheers and see ya next time~
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Five minutes late to remind you, but the box has been open the whole time, so get those draws in!
Tonight’s Twi challenge is… Rarity’s quite fancy dress! It’s a Titanic reference, so that was probably a bad omen right from the start. It’s a mite bit complicated, so I’ll be nice and give you 45 whole minutes to draw this one~
Twi challenge approaches!
Artists Included:
OsakaOji (
Pabbles (
Challenge runner got lost or something. I gotcha covered though. Box will be open for a while to make sure you can get in.