One hour til challenge!
Month: November 2016
Oh my! Things got serious!!
Thanks for participating! See you all later for more challenges!
Artists Included:
Hundashter (
Derpanater (
Pabbles (
The Box is Closed!
Submissions coming right up!
Box is Open!
Time to be Assertive, Fluttershy!
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… The Assertive Fluttershy!
"When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!“
Don’t mess with her. Even if she’s normally sweet and nice! Any pony that gets in her way is asking for trouble! What will she do next, is up to you!
"Don’t be shy, look ‘em in the eye!”
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to Submit! Have Fun!
60-minutes to Challenge time! Get ready!!
Dunno what happened to our challenge runner but this one is a loss it seems. See you folks later for more challenges!
Pinkie Pie gives the best hugs
Thanks for the submissions everyone, we hope to see everyone for the Celestia challenge
Artists Included:
Hundashter (
Pabbles (
the box is closed
let’s see those submissions
the box is open!
you’ve got 15 minutes to submit