Who’s been swapped this time?
Month: November 2016
The Box is open!
Time to do what your cutie mark is telling you!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Cutie Swapped!
The magic spell Twilight Sparkle conjured up, switching cutie marks around and making ponies do whatever the task they’re not normally capable of! It’s just what their cutie mark is telling them. We’ve seen this happen to Twilight’s friends, but it could happen to any pony!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes. Have Fun!
See you in an hour for the Celestia Challenge!
Applebloom wanted to get in on the show, but I don’t know if that’s what she had in mind. And always be careful of tangles in your rope!
Thanks for the draws; cheers and see ya next time~
Artists Included:
pembrokewkorgi (http://pembrokewkorgi.tumblr.com)
Sidon-S (http://sidon-aldermane.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Box open!
Tonight’s challenge is… Applejack doing some rope tricks! You’ve got thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck!
Challenge in an hour~
I bet she still wears the outfit every now and then for fun!
Thanks for the submission Sidon-s! I hope you had fun. We hope to see everyone again for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
Sidon-S (http://sidon-s.deviantart.com)
the box is closed!
let’s see what we’ve got!