A very nice array of hiccups!

Thanks for participating despite the issues folks.

We’ll be starting up The Roundup now as well! You’ll have the next 24 hours or so to submit any 30minchallenge related art- be it updates to older submissions or an all new piece based on something or plain ol’ fan art, whatever!

Box will be open the whole time, submit whenever is cool for you!

See ya later~

Artists Included:

Bento-sama (http://bento-sama.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)
Hundashter (http://hundashter.tumblr.com/)

Sorry for the added delay -.-’ my brother decided he wanted to interrupt me and all that, family, eh?

Anyway… today’s stupidly late challenge is… hiccups! Cuz I got multiple cases of it tonight, geddit?

Just draw some MLP and hiccups! 😀 you’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~