Today’s Celestia challenge is Alien Ponies!!
What would ponies from other planets look like? Would they be as committed to friendship as the ponies we know?
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
We don’t know where our original host is, but hopefully we’ll have a Celestia challenge in time! See you in 25 minutes!
Would Princess Discord have any more powers than normal Discord? Meanwhile, Spike gets to try on Friendship duties for size.
Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
Yakoshi (
Pabbles (
Submissions coming right up!
You have 15 minutes to submit your princesses! Gogogo!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Princesses!
Princesses! At first there were two regal sisters who ruled together. Then some upstart young lady took her rebellious youthful attitude toward relationships and became a princess too! Then Twilight went and became the Princess of Friendship, which is a title I think we’ve all questioned whether or not she actually deserves. Then Big Mac was a princess and all bets were off. So for tonight’s challenge, draw anypony you want as a princess! Princess Spike? Why not. Gilda? Go for it. Sonata, the Princess of Tacos? Sure! Princess Angel Bunny, Destroyer of Worlds? There’s no limit to this madness! Do what you want ‘cuz a pony is free! Draw some fukken’ princesses!
You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!
Art sources:
Prepare your stylus~
Saddle Rager
Oi, found this in the wrong box. Don’t just use /submit. Most challenge runners can’t access it. If you gotta, alright, but… well, delays like this happen!
Enjoy the yellow one folks! Ta ta!
Looks like there are some downsides to raging in a small room huh?
Thanks for the submissions everyone, good job! We’ll see everyone later for the Luna challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Hundashter (