seems we’ve got three different methods to singles awareness day, Chocolate, a trusty carrot, and JUSTICE

thanks for the submissions everyone, great job. We’ll see you all for the Luna challenge

Artists Included:

sixthousandbees (
Bitgamer (
Pabbles (

This evening’s Twilight challenge is…singles awareness day!

Valentines? Hearts and Hooves day? Nah, this one is for all the single ponies out there. how do single ponies go about this day? Treating themselves to something nice, bitter about the couples roaming around, or are they treating it like another day?

you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!

I saw you can’t post my today work. May I ask why? Something wrong?

I personally haven’t seen it, I didn’t run the challenge. But no matter the submission we post it somewhere. Generally Derpibooru if not here.

The challenge runner has been informed of their mistake, appologies to yourself and Dogg.

If you both would submit the art to our /submit I’ll put it on Derpibooru or post it here based on my judgement. Again, sorry about this runaround!