a twilight challenge is coming! get ready!

a twilight challenge is coming! get ready!
Is she working for good or evil? it’s hard to tell.
Thanks for participating, dnon, m0nster-c00kie and sixthousandbees.
More challenges coming later!
Artists Included:
sixthousandbees (http://sixthousandbeesdrawsponies.tumblr.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
Artwork coming up!
Time to submit!
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Special Agent Sweetie Drops!
Turns out Lyra’s best friend was really a undercover agent that hunted for monsters. But what type of detective stuff can she do? Let’s see her in action!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
Get your pencils ready! Cadance Challenge starts in 60-minutes!
It looks like Twilight Velvet and Cloudy Quartz are excited to be young again. Twilight Velvet has a worrying look though…
Thanks for the art, Dnon. Hope you had fun!
And we hope you can all join us later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
The box is open! It is time to submit your art!!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Age Spells!!
Age spells are some of the most powerful magic, making ponies younger or older, or even aging a flower. Sometimes they are performed by really powerful unicorns or alicorns, and other times evil amulets will allow you to do them.
The important questions, though, are who or what was on the receiving end of the spell and are they older or younger?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Our next challenge starts in 1 hour! We hope you join us!!