a Luna challenge is coming up! get ready!

a Luna challenge is coming up! get ready!
Relaxing melodies to dream by.
Thanks for the draw, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!
Artists Included:
Winter (http://phoenixofwinter.tumblr.com/)
Submissions coming right up!
You have 15 minutes to submit. Gogogo!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Lemon Zest!
Vinyl’s spirit twin from another school, Lemon Zest is Crystal Prep’s top music aficionado. Maybe she was on the opposing team, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t make any friends at the Friendship Games. Just image her and Vinyl teaming up to rock the house. Most epic of parties? Most epic of parties! Draw some fukken’ Lemon Zest!
You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!
Art sources:
Prepare your stylus~
A world where Ponies and Muffins join together! Long Live Queen Derpy!
Thanks for participating, Anon and Desertfox500.
More challenges to come later!
Artists Included:
Desertfox500 (http://desertfox500.tumblr.com/)
Her royal derpiness is arriving!!
Time to Submit!
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Queen Derpy!
In one of Derpy’s dreams, we see her as a member of royalty. But NOT as a princess. Oh, no! She wants to rule the throne as Queen of Canterlot/Equestria! Will her reign cause problems for the other princesses? What will Derpy do will all that power? (Something muffin-based, I suppose). It’s all up to you!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!