It happens though, so no worries! We hope to see you for the Twilight challenge!
It happens though, so no worries! We hope to see you for the Twilight challenge!
let’s see what we’ve got
you’ve got 15 minutes to submit!
today’s late Cadance challenge is….Rartiy rockin on a guitar!
She was able to shred on that guitar and blow pinkie’s mind with it! You think she has a secret career of playing in a rock band?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
seems the person who was meant to run the challenge went missing! but I can put a late one up in 15 minutes if anyone’s interested
Looks like we just got Yuma Spurs wearing some spurs here today. I’m still curious why she needs them, but I guess that’s her business, not mine.
Thanks for the art, dnon. Hope you had fun!
And we hope you will join us here again for our other challenges!!
Artists Included:
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
Sorry for the delay. The box is finally open!
Today’s Celestia challenge is spurs!!
Because apparently spurs are a thing that some ponies will wear in the MLP universe, Why? Who knows. So draw anypony wearing these horse riding accessories.
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Get your art stuff ready! 1 hour until the next challenge!!
I guess Maud’s on a secret mission and can’t be bothered. We hope to see you all for the Celestia challenge!