This evening’s Twilight challenge is….Ms.Harshwhinny!

As her name states, she can be pretty harsh at times, but don’t let that fool you! There are moments where she’ll break her strict ‘professionalism’ and show off her happier side!

you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!

We apologize in advance.

Because of TrotCon and several other things this week, there may be some missed challenges. We are going to do our best to keep up with them, but most of us are going to be busy!

And if you are attending TrotCon, don’t forget to come to our Panel! It will be at 4am on Sunday! We hope to see you there!!

Today’s Cadance challenge is Clown Ponies!!

I (and a lot of others) find clowns creepy, but a lot of ponies seem to like them! They are silly and colorful and try to make ponies laugh! A lot are found at rodeos, but some are found in political office!

You have 30 Minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Friends do everything together! Whether it be switching roles, or heading to Trotcon! (Also, are they referencing Thelma and Louise in that car?)

Thanks for participating, dnon, Elfy and Zemer!

Stay Tuned for the Cadance Challenge later!

Artists Included:

dnon (
Zemer (
Elfy (

Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon-3) and Octavia Melody!

One’s a classical musician that plays the cello, the other mixes records on the turntable. But these two can make great music together!

Draw whatever you like with these two!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!