Sorry folks, having a real off day. Packing and stuff.
I’ll be back in 15 minutes with a late Twilight Challenge.
Sorry folks, having a real off day. Packing and stuff.
I’ll be back in 15 minutes with a late Twilight Challenge.
Here come dem Quick Draw!
You can’t intimidate her with your massive amount of pencils! 😀
See you folks later for more challenge! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
dnon (
Lloxie (
Bennimarru (
Submissions are open! Sorry for the delay! No real good excuse here, ahhhhhhhhhh.
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Quick Draw!
Sorry for the lack of reminder, have been busy today!
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw somethin’ with draw horse followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Somepony convinced Discord to clean? Wow, that’s pretty impressive!!
Thanks for the art, Ononim. Hope you had fun!!
And we hope to see you back here later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
ononim (
The box is open! Enjoy the sweeping song as you submit your art!!
Today’s Celestia challenge is Sweeping!!!
It isn’t the most fun thing to do, but sweeping can be an important part of cleaning up! It also makes for a good punishment for disobedient little fillies! Even so, if you add some music, even sweeping can be fun!
Draw anypony you want sweeping!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
The Celestia Challenge starts in 1 hour! Get your drawing stuff ready!!
Zoom! There she goes! Wonder where she’s off to in such a hurry.
Thanks for the draws, y’all did great with the time limit! Cheers and see ya next time~
Artists Included:
Douloug (
Tomazii7 (
Pabbles (
Yep. Already. Gotta go fast.