Well the inbox seems flooded with screw loose. Might need to get a screw driver to deal with all of it. I hope nurse red heart can keep track of her while I look for the tool box.

Thanks to all the artists who sent in these cute pieces of art tonight. See you for celestia and remember we got a round up going on so send in those if you have them.

Artists Included:

Douloug (http://Douloug.tumblr.com)
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

Whether she’s just hanging around eating a snack or playing with the boys, Cocoa Axe always looks cute 
Thanks everyone for joining tonight, hope to see y’all later!

Artists Included:

Douloug (http://Douloug.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/gallery/)
tacodeltaco (http://tacoderps.tumblr.com)

Looks like bonbon is plenty angry. Being told to cut back on sweets as your special someone has four scoops! how can you not be annoyed/angry about that? Well don’t ask the gamer ponies depending on how you play that can make you even madder. I mean they agreed final destination no items but items were on!

Thanks to everyone who submitted to this challenge. I just hope the grump didn’t rub off on everyone.

Artists Included:

Jargon Scott (http://jargwellprescott.tumblr.com/)
Douloug (http://Douloug.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

2 complete sets and a spare Flutters seekin’ sunflowers o3o

Thanks for participating guys, hope you had fun!

We’ll see you next time for more challenge!! Buh bye for now o3o

Artists Included:

Douloug (http://Douloug.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

Oh Derps, I still wonder how you haven’t been banished from basically everywhere. You’re a walking disaster, and I love it. Meanwhile, apparently you should avoid water in Equestria… bad things seem to happen around it. And the CMC are too full of self-doubt to help.

Artists Included:

Douloug (http://Douloug.tumblr.com)
Outofworkderpy (http://Outofworkderpy.tumblr.com)
BronyGuard (http://bronyguard.tumblr.com/)
Lightning-the-Dustdevil/Envy-of-Estrosia (http://lightning-the-dustdevil.tumblr.com/)