Looks like RD has a big group of young admirers and possibly a former rival? I guess everypony loves RD.

Thanks for the art, Dnon. Hope you had fun!!

We hope you will join us later for more challenges!!

And don’t forget, everyone, that the Roundup is still going on!! The box is open if you want to submit some art from a challenge you didn’t get to do or you made improvements to something already submitted!!

Artists Included:

dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)

Today’s Celestia challenge is Rainbow Dash’s Young Fans!!

It seems the Rainbow Dash fan club may have gotten some new members this week! Who knew that even Rainbow Dash could be overwhelmed by praise? Anyway, draw any of these adorable little fillies or colts praising their favorite flyer!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Twilight is smart like a raptor. Pinkie, however, is playful like a puppy and scared of cucumbers like a cat!!

Thank you all for participating! I hope you had a lot of fun!!

We hope to see you back here in a few hours for the Celestia Challenge!!

And don’t forget the roundup is currently going on!! You can submit for any challenge you didn’t get to do or any work you have improved!!

Artists Included:

Derpanater (http://dronehunter19.deviantart.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Tomazii7 (http://tomazii7.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is ponies acting like other animals!

Shaking and panting like a dog, squawking like a chicken, kneading a pillow like a cat, silly ponies, you are supposed to be more civilized! For whatever reason, everypony has decided to start acting like animals! Draw anypony you want being whatever other creature!!

You’ve got 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

It’s time for The Roundup!

For the next 24 hours the box will be open and you can submit as much as you like art related to previous challenges, be they new pieces or updates on stuff- as much as you like! Fanart for the blog is also fine!

Doesn’t matter how long it took or when you did it or whatnot, just as long as it’s challenge related!

Have fun~