Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Chiffon Swirl (aka Mrs Cake)!

Before there was Mr and Mrs Cake, we learned years ago that Pear Butter was an old friend of Chiffon. Pear Butter helped discover Chiffon had a talent for baking and earned her Cutie Mark. If it weren’t for her, we probably wouldn’t have Sugarcube Corner! And even she was surprised to find that Pear Butter was in love with Bright Mac!

Draw anything you like with this character!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit!

Tonight’s Luna challenge is….Burnt Oak!

This stallion was best friends with Bright Mac and is willing to tell stories from their past. Something which Big Mac showed a lot of interest in.

You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!